Cython API

Almost all modules of dinopy are implemented in Cython. The .pxd files are included in the dinopy installation, so you can cimport the c-level functions and classes. See the sharing declarations entry in the cython documentation for details.

import vs. cimport

All dinopy modules (except the fai_io module) are implemented in Cython and can be cimported. If you are developing in Cython cimporting can grant a speedup, as only efficient c-level operations are performed.

The modules can be accessed by cimporting dinopy, which provides all c-level classes and functions via the __init__.pxd file.


Some functions and all iterators (for example the qgrams() iterator) are not defined on c-level, so they can’t be cimported. Please use from dinopy import qgrams to access these functions.

It is always advised to both import and cimport dinopy:

import dinopy
cimport dinopy

Cython will use c-level functions whenever possible.

data types

The data types needed and returned by dinopy should be documented in the respective functions or methods. If that somehow is not the case the following rule of thumb applies:

  • bytes and bytearray use the respective Python / Cython types

  • basenumbers are stored as bytes (containing only \x00 - \x04)

  • The return values of FASTA and FASTQ reader are named tuples and are definend in the file definitions.pyx

  • The custom encodings and dtypes are defined in definitions.pxd

Also if you run into a missing documentation, please let us know.